English speakers who visit the UK are often subject to a smirk when they see some of the old village names – Lower Wallop, Middle Wallop, Cocking etc. then there is the famous Austrian village of F_ck where their local signage is stolen all the time. Some travellers make a hobby of collecting images of these strange names – anyone guilty out there?
Australia is not know for its wackish names, but someone has compiled a map! Yes a paper map in the day of google maps, there is life after google! Yuo will note a certain ‘Aussie Twang’ to the names, of course! From Lovely Bottom (Tas) to Bullshit Hill (SA), from Pisspot Creek (Tas) to Titwobble Lane (Vic), via Pimple (Qld), Pensioners Bush (Tas) and Peculiar Knob (SA).